If you wish to give stock gifts to North Tarrant Church by electronic transfer, please give your broker the account name, account number, and DTC number for our Charles Schwab account.
The church maintains an account with Charles Schwab & Company in the name of North Tarrant Ministries, Inc. We would be happy to provide you with our Schwab account number and the DTC number. The tax identification for North Tarrant Ministries, Inc. is 81-0722789.
The mailing address for donations is PO Box 77207, Fort Worth, TX 76177.
If your broker needs any information from us, please have them contact Scott Johnson at 940-782-9588.
In order for us to give you proper credit for your contribution, please notify us of the number of shares, the name(s) of the stock(s) you are transferring, and the designation to which you would like your gift applied. The available designations for stock gifts are: North Tarrant Church General Operating Fund and North Tarrant Church Building Fund.
Your gift will be acknowledged on your annual contribution statement.
We are so grateful for your generous support of North Tarrant Church. Please do not hesitate to call if we can be of any assistance or if you have any further questions.